Thursday, November 29, 2012

Be Insured on the Water Too

So you've bought a boat, congratulations! That is a big investment and will be a joy to you for years. Now that you have a boat you'll need to know all about insurance. Boats are vulnerable to all sorts of risks that you have no control over. Technical issues, body damage, collisions, even theft. Even if you are not required to be insured, buying boat insurance offers you protection on and off the water.

Buying insurance for you new boat can seem complicated, but really all you need is a boat, a computer and a little know how. First you should evaluate what kind of insurance you need based on the type of boat you own. Classifying your boat is an important step in buying boat insurance. For example, if your boat is 26 feet long or under, you should be getting insurance under the lower classification. If your vessel is over 26 feet it must be classified as a yacht and you'll be buying boat insurance of a different type. Also figure out the current value of your vessel and what kind of depreciation it will undergo. This will help you in your decisions when choosing the right insurance.

When buying insurance you should also contact the National Boat Owners Association. If you're not already a member it is advisable that you join. They can provide you all sorts of information on maintaining and owning your boat. They will also be able to give you valuable information on the insurance you need.

Do your research before committing to any boat insurance company. Visit some websites and get some quotes. Or, if the Internet doesn't appeal to you, you can call these same companies and get a similar quote. You don't want to buy insurance from a company you know little to nothing about, and have no idea how much you'd be paying.

Now that you have quotes you're ready to begin the real work of obtaining boat insurance. Carefully evaluate and analyze all types of insurance coverage. This is especially important when buying insurance for physical damage. You have the option of actual cash value of agreed cash value when considering the physical damage coverage. Depending on which coverage you decide on your premium will vary. This is another thing to keep in mind when buying insurance. Other options you have include liability coverage and medical coverage.

Finally, look into uninsured boat owner's coverage when buying boat insurance. This will make sure you are covered in case a boat owner who's not insured hits you. In some places since boat insurance isn't mandatory, this can be especially important to making sure your valuable possession will get repaired in the event of an accident. These are some very easy steps to buying boat insurance and making it as simple as possible. Getting insurance for your boat doesn't have to be difficult; all you need to know is what you're looking for and where to look.

Boat Insurance Guidelines to Obtain a Good Deal   Why Windsurfers Need Insurance   Choosing a Yacht Insurance Company   About Boat Insurance   

Boaters Urged To Consider Insurance

Boat-owners may be advised to ensure a lack of insurance does not leave their finances sunk, following the results of a new study.

In research carried out by Saga it was revealed that hitting an underwater object while out in the water will set the average boat-owning consumer back by 2,419 pounds. Additionally, it was indicated that some three per cent of insurance claims on a boat have resulted from a craft sinking. Other popular claims on a boat insurance policy were indicated as including incurring accidental damage while cruising, a vessel flooding while in a moored position and wind damage.

Following on from a lack of insurance, those consumers who find that their vessel has been the target of theft or has been struck while at sea may find that they have to dip into their own pockets to pay for repairs and to replace items. In turn, this might have an impact upon their capacity to meet other areas of financial demand such as personal loans, credit and store cards, mortgage repayments and household bills.

The threat of criminals was also advised as another consideration for boating Brits to take into account. According to Saga theft is the second most frequent event that consumers will claim for. Overall, the typical claim for a burglary costs 1,820 pounds. However, to help protect against this seafarers were advised to ensure that outboard motors and life rafts are secured to the main vessel with good quality chains and locks. Meanwhile, not leaving items loose on deck or in the cockpit was also recommended. In addition, consumers were advised that the boat trailers which are attached to cars are often a target for thieves and that to protect their vehicles they should fit a trailer lock to the hitch and purchase a wheel clamp.

Furthermore, the financial services provider pointed to police reports claiming that items made from bronze and copper are becoming increasingly sought after by criminals. This was attributed to the rising value of such materials in recent years. Consequently, Saga reminded consumers that boats often contain features such as plaques, bells and statues which can be made from hard-wearing bronze and are often in open view. "Whilst it's not feasible to remove or store these items without difficulty, it's worth being aware that trying to mask them from view may make the opportune thief look elsewhere for easier pickings," the firm asserted.

With the warmer months beginning to arrive, those Britons looking to take to the water and buy a boat might wish to consider getting a low-rate secured loan. By selecting a loan, borrowers may be able to purchase the vessel of their dreams quickly, leaving them with an affordable level of repayments to make. In addition, the financial assistance that a secured loan provides could help budding boatsmen and women to take out a comprehensive boat insurance policy. A secured loan could also be of help to those buying a car, after a moneysupermarket survey revealed that if the approximate 425,000 new cars bought last month were paid for via a loan instead of a forecourt finance deal then drivers could avoid paying an additional 420 million pounds in interest.

Boat Insurance Guidelines to Obtain a Good Deal   Why Windsurfers Need Insurance   Choosing a Yacht Insurance Company   Facts About Rowing Boat Insurance   

The Basics of Yacht Insurance

Yachts are obviously very expensive to buy and are valuable items. Therefore it is important to ensure that they are fully insured. Insurance cover should include such things as theft, damage, explosion - always a risk where a lot of fuel is being carried - and outright loss.

It is important to know what kind of cover is required for your vessel. The marine insurance industry classes vessels over 26 foot as yachts and they qualify for yacht insurance. If they are less than 26 foot they are eligible for boat insurance cover.

In order to adequately insure your yacht, you need assess how much it would cost to replace the vessel if it were lost or completely destroyed. Then it is a case of finding out how much it would be to replace the items and equipment on board.

You will also need to make provision in your cover if the yacht is docked in a region that is susceptible to violent weather conditions such as hurricanes. It is also important to consider indemnity coverage in the event that your vessel causes damage to another persons boat or property through a collision.

Yacht insurance will save you a massive outlay in cash should your craft be lost, stolen or cause third party damage. Therefore, like with any other valuable object, it is worth having. But of course, it will be costly, depending on the value of your yacht and the type of cover purchased.

Other factors will also determine the cost of your cover. These include such things as the length of the vessel, its age, where it is going to be sailed, and the type of engine it has. However, there are several factors which can lead to a discount in premiums. They include the provision of on board safety equipment, whether the owners have taken safety courses and if the yacht is laid up for a long period.

Depending on your type of yacht insurance it may contain certain warranties which restrict its use. A navigational warranty will limit the amount of time you can sail your vessel in certain parts of the world. Under a lay up warranty your yacht must be docked during certain times of the year.

Yacht insurance is vitally important for owners should anything unforeseen happen to what is a very expensive item of property. Should you take the time and care to insure your craft properly, the benefits of insurance will then become apparent should misfortune strike. But hopefully you will soon be out at sea sailing again.

Boat Insurance Guidelines to Obtain a Good Deal   Why Windsurfers Need Insurance   Choosing a Yacht Insurance Company   Got a Boat? Insure It!   Speed Boat Insurance - Learning Its Significance   

Online Boat Insurance Quotes - Some Commonly Asked Questions Answered

When you are looking for an insurance quotation on the web, it is best to ask certain questions so can hone in on what you require specifically. When you do visit an insurance company's website, you will need to fill out a form and give out specific information about your boat, your annual income and the current insurance coverage. After you do this you will be presented with a few policy options you can choose from. Do not be in a hurry to sign a paper right now, and take your time to get to know exactly what the policy would cover, and maybe more importantly what it wont. Take the time to read the fine print; it may be different to the ad you saw on the internet

Meeting one of the agency's personnel one on one could help a lot. If the web site was not up to the mark and you still have unanswered questions about the policy, you will need to make a list of questions and it is time to contact the customer service of the company. The questions should generally revolve around exactly what the policy would cover you against. Coverage could include internal damage, external damage, personal medical, personal item loss and other kinds as well. Some policies can be very different to others, so ask as many questions to clear your mind as you need to.

Understand the physical condition of your boat because you may not need as much coverage as you think. Get your boat inspected by a trained person so that you can decide on a reasonable budget before hand. Get realistic if your boat is badly out of shape, as insurance companies will not offer much coverage on a damaged boat. It may be a good idea to get it refurbished before you get a quote, in such case. Another question to be asked is how your boat's storage will influence the possible premium. Storing your boat in a closed garage, enclosed area or a safe marina may save you money. Although you may be covered against any damage, prevention is definitely better than cure isn't it?

Getting the quote on the net is a great start to the whole thing, but you should get information about the policy, less cost, and level of insurance for older boats. You can then make an informed decision. There are many sites on the net where you will be able to get a boat insurance quotation for free. Get a minimum of three quotes to choose from so that you will understand each offering and get a good idea of your needs and affordability. In case of emergency, the correct policy will definitely help.

Boat Insurance Guidelines to Obtain a Good Deal   Why Windsurfers Need Insurance   Choosing a Yacht Insurance Company   Examining Jet Ski Insurance   Facts About Rowing Boat Insurance   About Boat Insurance   

Speed Boat Insurance - Steps to Bag the Best Deals

Do you need a boat under your name? Are you sure your investment is protected?

Yes, the boat is truly one source of thrill. You can feel as if you are the king of the world as you ride the boat with the wind blowing against your skin. As fast as it might go, this vessel is just what you have to announce your arrival and execute a show off. This always allows you to clearly display your gift in any kind of water sport. Overall, it is fast, fun, exciting, and a precious toy which you can parade for all eyes to observe. Yet, the truth rests the same it still suggests and spells danger. Putting anyone's life on the edge is always never a priority.

Prevention vs. Remedy

There is no need to worry though. You can obtain yourself protected via obtaining a boat plan. Since it is one haggle of a speeding machine right there on the water, there are dangers that lie ahead. Now and again, the news includes accounts of the sea mishaps which have grown into a very tragic occurrence.

Without an uncertainty, professionals and many of the concerned boat owners will drive you towards availing the insurance. From the beginning until the end, you have to make it a factor to look after your vessel fully intact and the way you live along with your riders' safe and sound. You will never know what may happen as you venture into the sea. Like the weather that comes very unpredictable, the mishaps can also knock on your doorway unexpectedly. When they say, prevention is always superior to heal. You ought to believe it. An plan is what you need.

Obtaining the Best Deal

So you have been convinced to secure the insurance. The next concern is that surrounding working out on bagging the best deals ever. It is not difficult to achieve, mind you. Take a peek at the next steps.

First, be wise in making an order. The catch is that the more reasonable your boat looks like, the better insurance you will be able to get. As for the basic principles, you should pick one that is as safe as it may be. As much as feasible, stay clear of vessels that have gigantic engines, unimaginable speed, and intense power. Insurance businesses award better benefits to those which are on the safe side. Meaning, it is a boat that showcases normal speed quality and acceptable features.

Take heed of its value. Of course, the more expensive your vessel is, the higher quotes will be supplied to you. Firms feel too nervous to insure a boat which is the apple of the eyes of the thieves. Be sure to pay for a boat that has a reasonable value so that you will have to pay for less.

Be secure as usual. Boats which are certified to be safe have higher chances of you are allowed the most inexpensive quotes.

Avail of discounts. If you have a particular insurance provider for your car or home, then may confer with them. Typically, discounts are granted if you have other accounts with a particular firm.

You don't wish to put the way you live and your home at risk, right? Then, better ponder on the importance of a speed boat coverage.

Boat Insurance Guidelines to Obtain a Good Deal   Why Windsurfers Need Insurance   Choosing a Yacht Insurance Company   Examining Jet Ski Insurance   

The Assurance In Sail Boat Insurance

Any kind of investment needs insurance. The sailboat you own is also an investment just like your house, motorcycle or your car. Just as all your material possession especially vehicles are insured, a sailboat must also be insured. In certain states the law demands that your Sailboat must be insured. However, insuring any other vehicle and a sailboat are two different things. The coverage amount your policy gets you is the main difference between insuring the two. The other common differences include the sort of boat, its location and of course, the company that insures it. While choosing the company make sure you are smart enough in obtaining all the required coverage along with savings that can actually lower the premium you need to pay.

When beginning the search for a broker or, an insurance agent following things should be considered. The insurers for sailboats are of two kinds: one that does domestic insurance the other insures overseas journey. The domestic insurers are easy to do the research on and also to get a hold of rather easily. The overseas insurers are usually very liberal considering the coverage for an extended navigation.

A little extra research goes a long way before you obtain any kind of sail boat insurance. Online investigation must be done and references must always be thoroughly checked. The integrity, credentials and records of the firm should be verified. Get many quotes from them, ask many questions and review the information they provide. Never get compelled into entering a Legal and binding contract.

The second issue after dealing with the selection of a company is that of coverage. A list of all the things you want covered by your insurance should be prepared. The list includes a motor; boat and trailer cover damage, theft, physical damage, and docking and liability coverage. Unlike a car insurance policy a sailboat policy can include the facility to cover a few pieces of equipment used on board. These namely include board electronics and communication devices used for navigation, sails, anchors, riggings, and on. The logic in allowing this kind of coverage is that these parts are crucial in the proper working of your sailboat.

Most importantly the sailboat insurance policy must cover people who work on board and those who use it. A medical coverage is the most important requirement to a healthy yet safe atmosphere on board. It is advisable to be always prepared for accidents with a first aid kit and appropriate coverage amount. On the other hand medical coverage expects you to pick up the tab when its apex has reached. Considering accidents stay aware of your liability and policy coverage.

Finally the golden words that summarize the content here are select a well respected insurance company, check the references, read and understand the words and content of your policy. Only after that you can make a good decision that prevents you from regretting things.

Boat Insurance Guidelines to Obtain a Good Deal   Why Windsurfers Need Insurance   Choosing a Yacht Insurance Company   Affordable Boat Insurance For Beginners - What Factors Do You Need To Consider With Boat Insurance?   

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